How to stay Healthy While a Sickness Is Spreading

Here are some tips to stay healthy and away from diseases.

  • Drink lots of water at least 8 glasses a day.


  • Carry sanitizer with you, hand sanitizer and anything sanitizing.

hand sanitizer

  • Don’t share anything with anyone who is sick that is the fastest way to spread the germs and cold.

Don't share anything

  • Wash hands before eating and after using the bathroom.

Wash Hands

  • Sleep daily (7-8 hours a day).

Sleep Well

  • Eat healthy food which contains essential nutrients.

Healthy Food

  • Always take vitamins.


  • Workout, it keeps the body healthy and strong.


  • Do some yoga that is a great way to relax.


  • Don’t smokes or drink, doing these tend to make the body weak and open to sickness.

Don't smoke or drink

  • Avoid kissing the person who is infected by communicable disease.

Avoid kissing