Loose weight in 6 weeks

Obesity is a dreaded disease, which is becoming increasingly common. It severely affects health of the person.  Obesity can be caused by a number of reasons, but an unhealthy lifestyle is one of the most popular reasons for obesity. Here are some tips to shed your weight.

Avoid skipping meals: People who ate at least 3 meals per day lost more weight than people who didn’t. When you skip meals, your body stops breaking down fat and starts breaking down muscle tissue. Muscle tissue burns more calories at rest than other tissues, so you’re actually working against your goals.

Eat food from home: When you eat junk food you have limited control over your portions. As a result, you often eat more than you intended to eat. Try packing up half of it in advance and taking it home for tomorrow.

Eat fresh fruit: Fruit helps to satisfy your sweet tooth thanks to its natural sugars. It also contains fiber to help you feel full quickly. Try some of these tips to introduce more fruit into your diet:  Eat freshly cut fruits like melons, pineapple and apple. Prepare a large fruit salad containing mostly berries as well as other fruit that won’t go bad quickly, like pineapples or orange chunks.

Eat vegetables for nutrition: When you make your lunch or dinner plate contain at least 50 percent vegetables, you can have other richer dishes on your plate in smaller portions.
Eat low-fat dairy products. Consume healthy oils

Introduce basic aerobic/cardio exercise: Do regularly exercise to reduce your weight at least 20 minutes’ daily and 3 times per week.

Some do and don’t are:

  1. Use stairs instead of using lift.
  2. Avoid junk food.
  3. Avoid oily food.
  4. Do exercise regularly.
  5. Motivate yourself.
  6. Play outdoor games.
  7. Get At Least 7 Hours Sleep a Day.
  8. Eat when hungry.
  9. Measure Your Progress Wisely.
  10. Be Patient.
  11. Avoid drinking alcohol.

Vegetarian Diet

  • Morning – Breakfast    One cup of Tea or Coffee with a Little Milk coupled with Bread (No Butter, Jam or Sauce) Fresh vegetables and fruits.
  • Day – Lunch    Two or three small Cucumbers or Green Salads, Green Vegetable, curd, Small bowl of Rice and pulses can be taken.
  • Evening– Dinner- Soup (Tomato, spinach and Sweet Corn). One small bowl of a Vegetable

Non-Vegetarian Diet

  • Morning – Breakfast    One cup of Tea or Coffee with a little Milk added. Two or Three Boiled Eggs can be taken.
  • Day – Lunch    Two or Three small bowl Non-Veg stuff with Salads. Two small pulses with small pieces of Meat or a Fish.
  • Evening – Dinner    Any low calorie Non-Veg Soup can be taken. One small bowl of a Vegetable and two breads with 100gm of Chicken.


Walking: – instead of using lift go by stairs. The percentage of fat burning is around the mark. Walking not only burns a good proportion of stored fat, it can also burn a large amount of calories especially when it’s performed for longer durations.

Running: – Running is a best exercise to lose weight. Do it regularly whether you are doing on treadmill or out side. Daily increase your round than your previous session but make sure to not overstrain yourself.

Bicycling: – Bicycling is second best exercise to get a toned body. It basically focuses on lower body like thighs and calf muscles.

Swimming: – Swimming affects and exercises all the parts of the body both upper and lower, water works as a natural resistance and increases the number of calories burnt.

Aerobics:-It is considered as intense exercise for weight loss.

Jumping rope: – One of the easy exercises which can be done even in home, if you do not prefer going to the gym. It is an excellent exercise, targets entire body.

Weight training:- Some of the most intense exercise we can perform. The amount of total calories burned is very high whilst performing the movement; however they can only be performed for short periods due to muscle tiredness.