Get Six Packs in 6 Weeks

Want six pack abs in 6 weeks; follow this schedule to get a marvelous six pack abs.

Monday workouts

Chest and Triceps
Sets: 3
Reps: 8-12 (try to increase the weight after each set)
Rest: 2-3 minutes of rest between each set

Exercise: Push Ups

Push ups
Exercise: Wide Grip Barbell Bench Press.

Wide Grip Barbell Bench Press

Exercise: Dumbbell Bench Press

Dumbbell Bench Press

Exercise: Close Grip Barbell Bench Press

Close Grip Barbell Bench Press

Exercise: Hammer Grip Incline Dumbbell Bench Press

Hammer Grip Incline Dumbbell Bench Press

Exercise: Bench Dips

Bench Dips
Exercise: Triceps Pushdowns with V-Bar Attachment

Triceps Pushdowns with V-Bar Attachment
Exercise: Cable Lying Triceps Extensions

Cable Lying Triceps Extensions
Exercise: Triceps Pushdowns with Rope Attachment

Triceps Pushdowns with Rope Attachment
Exercise: Close-Grip Bench Presses

Close-Grip Bench Presses

Tuesday workouts

Back and abs
Sets: 3
Reps: 8-12 (try to increase the weight after each set)
Rest: 2-3 minutes of rest between each set

Exercise: Pull Ups

Pull Ups

Exercise: Close Grip Front Lat Pulldowns

Close Grip Front Lat Pulldowns

Exercise: Bent Over Barbell Rows

Bent Over Barbell Rows

Exercise: Seated Cable Rows

Seated Cable Rows

Exercise: T Bar Rows

T Bar Rows

Exercise: Crunches

Exercise: Cable Crunches

Cable Crunches

Exercise: Leg Pull-Ins

Leg Pull-Ins

Exercise: Oblique Crunches

Oblique Crunches
Exercise: Knee Raises On Parallel Bars

Knee Raises On Parallel Bars

Wednesday workouts


Step Aerobics – one of the most favorite cardio exercises preferred by women. Step Aerobics mainly target your legs, hips and glutes, and can burn approx. 400 calories in 30 minutes.

Step Aerobics

Bicycling – stationary or outdoors is a great cardio exercises, depending on resistance and speed you can burn 250 to 500 calories in 30 minutes.


Swimming – like cross-country skiing is an excellent cardio exercises as it is a full body exercises. Swimming is a great cross-training for other cardio activities. Doing the breast stroke can burn approx. 400 calories in 30 minutes.


Racquetball – side to side sprinting makes racquetball and excellent cardio exercises. A 145-lb person burns over 400 calories in 30 minutes.


Rock Climbing – is not only a cardio exercises, but also uses arm and leg strength and power. Rock Climbing can burn up to 380 calories in 30 minutes.

Rock Climbing

Cross-Country Skiing – whether on a machine or outdoors on snow, is an incredible cardio exercises as it involves both upper and lower body. A 145 lb person can burn approx 330 calories in 30 minutes.

Cross-Country Skiing

Running – Running is an excellent cardio exercises because all you need is a pair of quality running shoes. Running burns serious calories. A 145 LB person can easily burn 300 calories in 30 minutes.


Elliptical Trainer – is an excellent cardio exercises and a great way to build endurance. A 145 LB person can burn about 300 calories in 30 minutes.

Elliptical Trainer

Rowing – is both a cardio exercises as well as giving your arms an incredible workout. 145 LB person can burn about 300 calories in 30 minutes.


Walking – Brisk walking is a less strenuous form of cardio exercises. Walking can burn up to 180 calories in 30 minutes. Sprinting, adding hills or an incline can increase amount of calories burned.


Thursday workouts

Biceps & forearms
For each exercise
Sets: 3
Reps: 8-12 (try to increase the weight after each set)
Rest: 2-3 minutes of rest between each set

Exercise: Barbell Curls

Barbell Curls
Exercise: Standing Bicep Cable Curls

Standing Bicep Cable Curls

Exercise: Incline Dumbbell Curls

Incline Dumbbell Curls

Exercise: Preacher Hammer Dumbbell Curls

Preacher Hammer Dumbbell Curls
Exercise: Wrist Rollers

Wrist Rollers
Exercise: Palms down Dumbbell Wrist Curls over a Bench

Palms down Dumbbell Wrist Curls over a Bench
Exercise: Standing Palms up Barbell behind the Back Wrist Curls

Standing Palms up Barbell behind the Back Wrist Curls

Friday workouts

Sets: 3
Reps: 8-12 (try to increase the weight after each set)
Rest: 2-3 minutes of rest between each set

Exercise: Seated Barbell Military Presses

Seated Barbell Military Presses
Exercise: Arnold Dumbbell Presses

Arnold Dumbbell Presses
Exercise: Bent Over Dumbbell Rear Delt Raises

Bent Over Dumbbell Rear Delt Raises

Exercise: Standing Military Presses

Standing Military Presses

Exercise: Standing Low Pulley Deltoid Raises

Standing Low Pulley Deltoid Raises

Exercise: Seated Dumbbell Presses

Seated Dumbbell Presses

Saturday workout

Sets: 3
Reps: 8-12 (try to increase the weight after each set)
Rest: 2-3 minutes of rest between each set

Exercise: Barbell Lunges

Barbell Lunges
Exercise: Seated Leg Curls

Seated Leg Curls
Exercise: Smith Machine Stiff Legged Deadlifts

Smith Machine Stiff Legged Deadlifts
Exercise: Stiff Legged Barbell Deadlifts

Stiff Legged Barbell Deadlifts


Complete rest on Sunday 🙂

Happy Sunday